Abortion Access Front
Founded in 2015 under the name Lady Parts Justice League, Abortion Access Front is a team of comedians, writers, and producers that uses humor to destigmatize abortion and expose the extremist anti-choice forces working to destroy access to reproductive rights in all 50 states.
We do the job that the media doesn’t, creating provocative and hilarious videos and social media content that educates people about the pervasive, discriminatory abortion laws that profoundly and disproportionately impact the poor and people of color. Another crucial part of AAF’s mission is to support and raise awareness about independent abortion providers. These clinics bear the brunt of anti-abortion legislation and harassment.
We also spend our time out on the road.
Abortion AF: The Tour is a year round comedy and music tour that borrows from a USO format- bringing entertainment, elbow grease, and love to abortion providers and their communities. AAF creates a fresh space for people to take action who haven’t necessarily seen a place for themselves before in political or reproductive rights movements.
We foster a multicultural, multi-ethnic, gender fluid team of creative activists who understand how important and rewarding it is to create content that comes from and speaks to a diversity of life experience.